Monday, August 26, 2013

One Green Cafe

It was quite the day last Saturday as I was up and about earlier than I always am during weekends. After my successful meeting late in the afternoon, I decided to go to the mall and walk around a bit. Then as fate would have it, it started to rain again so to while the time away, I decided on early dinner. Comfortably located within the boundaries of the Sports Loop at the third floor of the Galleria was a little nook of a restaurant that catered to serving vegetarian cuisine. Called Cafeteria Verde, I immediately checked their menu and was surprised at the wide array of mouthwatering veggie dishes they had.

I was in the mood for Italian that night so the first thing that I excitedly took on was their Tomato-Garlic Spaghetti. Cooked using olive oil, its delightfully sweet and mildly tangy sauce is literally comprised only of tomatoes and  garlic. Served mixed in with the pasta noodles, it offers that slight garlic crunch with a sprinkle of fresh parsley on top that makes for the perfect finishing touch. I must say, for a dish with no meat in it, it was absurdly delicious.

My second palatable pick was one I really shouldn't have ordered because cheese is a no-no in my diet and I completely missed out on noticing it as I was so taken by it's description that said "roasted vegetables or margherita flavors atop crispy baguettes". It's a good thing the cheese was easy to peel off so I still got to partake of this healthy hearty half-wich. Called French Bread Pizza, its crunchy French baguette had a luscious slathering of tomato sauce and toppings that called for diced roasted eggplant, zucchini, carrots and tomatoes with a generous smothering of cabbage chiffonade. Its size was a filler in itself  and to have all the wonderful fresh garnish to complete this tasty number, I'd say you're in for the total treat.


Cafeteria Verde has a lot to offer the hungry vegetarian. I'm just sorry I was without company when I dropped by their neat little restaurant to sample their culinary creations. Theirs is a full roster of savory selections that not only leaves you full but guilt-free as well. All meals are served with their fruit slush of the day and prices, though a tad higher, are still at that range deemed affordable for all to enjoy. Hence, you get complete gastronomic satisfaction without any compromise to your health. 

Admittedly, vegetables are now getting into the heat of things. And though meat may still be the main choice of the vast majority, the veggie loop is most certainly inching its way to being it's toughest competitor. It's a close fight.

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