Sunday, August 18, 2013

A New Beginning

                    "Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like    
                                     and let the food fight it out inside."
And Mark Twain couldn't have said it better. It goes without saying that no matter where you are, food will always be around to nourish as well as to comfort, and admittedly, I am a great lover of food. I'm not a picky eater primarily because my mother was a very good cook so I was okay with anything and everything she'd put on the table, except vegetables. I was a carnivore. That's why when I first got the news that I had to lay off meat because of the growing problem with my heart and basically my health, I felt like going on a fit. Don't ask what I couldn't have but what I could because my diet was limited to only three things: fish, fruit and dreadful, tasteless veggies. Everything else had to be low fat. Highly enraged with my sudden limitations, I vented out on a good friend for comfort and what I got was a boink in the head as he reminded me of the so many options available now to replace meat with. All he says I had to do was to open my eyes and actually see, for the only one limiting myself is really me. In all fairness, he's right. So 10,000 rants and over a year later, I now realize there really is a lot to veggie rave about. 
                 This is an almost all-vegetable blog with a dash of seafood goodness  all served on 
A Fresh New Plate.