Sunday, September 15, 2013

Homemade Veggie Goodness: My Ultimate Comfort Food

The weather outside is dark and overcast again, sign of impending rain and we all know better than to stay indoors and keep safe. So, what's a girl to do when she's given only the limited corners of a two-story condo unit to play in? Well, there really is a hundred and one you can come up with but in my case, I knew just the thing. Opening up the fridge and doing a double on my pantry, I check to see what I can find to come up with the  perfect partner that would compliment a good DVD. Lucky for me, I stock up well, compliments right there to my mom who taught me to always save for a rainy day, excuse the pun. Here's what I found and finally came up with: 

Pretty obvious now, isn't it? Yes, spaghetti is my ultimate comfort food. Just thinking about a plateful of this yummy slightly sweet, slightly tangy goodness brings a smile to my face. So I have the basics. But it needs a little more. Being part vegetarian, though, I realize I can't have meat. So, what do I pull out? This handy replacement that may not be as tasty as our farm-bred friends, but is a very good stand-in for what we may know to be as just veggies. 

I got this pack from monks I met in the past. They make these special veggie meat products to sustain their diet of pure vegetable and fruit and recently have introduced it to a very limited market. I was lucky enough to be one of the few to get some home. These tasty meat substitutes are bought already flavored so you get more than just vegetables in a bag. Saute them with a main dish or make them the star of your veggie creation. The possibilities are limitless. I made them the meat in my delectable treat

and I just can't wait to get it in my mouth.

Veggie meat isn't as scarce as it used to be. In fact, it can already be found in different specialty stores around the metro. Not only does it provide a healthy alternative to meat, it also discards that feeling of guilt whenever you take an extra bite or two of your favorite culinary work.

It's a weekend and rainy days may prove to be a party pooper but think about the party you can create if you will only look within your space. There's a downpour now outside and I'm sitting in front of the TV with a plateful of scrumptious meat-free spaghetti and  a bottle of iced tea on the side. Now who needs a party elsewhere? Definitely not me. Yum!

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