Sunday, March 23, 2014

Baguio Bliss Featuring Bliss Cafe

The two-hour rest we took after that breakfast feast we had at Cafe By The Ruins refreshed and invigorated me so much that I was raring to step out into the sun again and take in the new Baguio that I was starting to get used to. We first headed to the market area and then checked Session Road to see what it now had to offer. At around 2:30, I felt the nagging in my belly telling me it was time to load up again. I'm part vegetarian since my diet only consists of vegetables, fish and fruit so we opted to take the healthy route this time and indulge in what Baguio is certainly known for: fresh, clean produce. Veering away from now familiar surroundings, we took a cab towards the opposite direction as we made our way to veggie heaven better known to locals as Bliss Cafe.

Located within the confines of the classy Hotel Elizabeth, it is an intimate corner cafe with an ethnic eclectic feel that immediately tells clients they're in for a deep, personal experience with its food and with ones self. As you go through it's welcoming doorway, you're instantly met with a positive vibe that carries through your system. For some unknown reason, you're instantly at peace with the world and one with the universe. With mellow new age music permeating the entire area, you're treated to shelves of books, pictures and artifacts purposely placed in to feed your curious mind. I felt very much at home right away.

We seated ourselves beside the connecting archway and checked on their comprehensive menu. Astonishingly, it did showcase a roster of delicious courses that were unbelievably all veggie. Not one viand had pork, beef, chicken and fish in it nor were they enhanced with fattening dairy products. They were all-natural, all-organic and healthy all the way. Definitely my kind of food stop. 

We all got pasta for lunch. I went for the Leaning Tower, which was their take on the Italian carbonara. It had tiny shreds of flat leaf parsley with cubed tomatoes and cucumbers as added fillers. Served with two slices of Bliss toast, the pasta was crowned with thick, gorgeously creamy white sauce that was lusciously smooth and that had a slightly peppery sweet taste. It was ultimate decadence on a dish.

My friends ordered the Rotini Satorini that boasted of wonderfully creamy and brightly-colored tomato sauce over al dente rigatoni pasta. Featuring a cast of slightly salty green and black olives, it had an amazing blend of tangy and sweet flavors. Served with Bliss toast as well, it proved the total tasty treat without the meat. I wondered what ingredient made the sinfully divine dressing because both dishes were slathered with cream sauce. I then surprisingly learned they used soy milk in place of the regular milk making it low in fat and totally diet-friendly. A tall glass of iced tea sealed our lunch deal for us and we were blissfully content. 

Overall, it was a profound dining experience that not only gratified the belly but tapped on the senses as well. And as you immerse yourself in the reality that taking in tastefully clean, healthy vegetable dishes cleanses your system, giving you that full yet light feeling you don't get when you partake of heavy heady meat choices do you then realize how light makes you feel good, thereby the creation within yourself of that positive energy that spreads throughout your whole system and person. Vegetables = healthy = positivity. Bliss Cafe. Their food is what their name really implies. 

                                                        Indeed I have. :)

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