Saturday, January 11, 2014

Going Gaga Over Greeka

I've always been fascinated by the way the Greeks prepare their food. Healthy and almost always fat-free, theirs is a cuisine comparable to a palette of dazzling, beautiful colors on a plate. Immensely flavorful using only the best in natural ingredients, humongous servings of their culinary creations can't really be equated with guilt because you know that what you're taking in is good for you.

My birthday me-time found me cruising P. Guevarra Street in San Juan, and quietly tucked along it's long, lazy stretch is one cozy and laid back restaurant that has proven to be a huge favorite from among those who live within the area. Check out Greeka Kouzina.

Excited to give this new Greek go-to a whirl, I quickly went inside and seated myself on the second floor of one of the most comfortably relaxing food parlors I've ever been to. Knowing I could only eat the healthy lot and I mean only fish and veggies, I made a meticulous review of their menu and decided on their Couscous Salad and Veggie Gyro. 

I was kind of taken aback at the Veggie Gyro's size when they brought it to the table and was amazed at the same time at how beautiful it came served. It was literally an edible bouquet of brightly-colored vegetables in a large pita wrap. Served with a delicious yoghurt dip and a slice of lemon on the side, it was a sight to behold. It really took some time for me to slice into it because I didn't know where to make the cut. But after 5 minutes of admiring it, hunger got the better of me so I sprinkled the lovely fresh greens with a little lemon juice and sliced on. What met my palate was a burst of unbelievable fruity and tangy goodness. It was wonderfully delicious considering it was all vegetable. With a little feta cheese to break the astringency of the dish and a dash of the yoghurt dip, it was sheer pleasure. 

The Couscous Salad was one I ordered out of curiosity. Over the years of watching shows over the Food Channel, I always wondered what and how couscous was and tasted. 

Couscous is made up of tiny granules of durum wheat and these grains are steamed until light and fluffy. Though closely related to pasta, it also reminds me of steamed rice. It actually has no taste but it enhances the dish by adding balance to it. And I wasn't disappointed. The Couscous Salad was another feast for the eyes and the palate as well as incredible splashes or reds, greens and yellows graced the entirety of this whole exquisite presentation. Red, juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumbers and yellow bell peppers sprinkled with couscous and topped with feta cheese came together as a swig of olive oil and a dash of salt and pepper made for the salad's finishing touch. The marriage of flavors and textures defines the uniqueness of this dish as it had a little bit of everything: sweetness, saltiness, tanginess, and crunch. Freshness in a bowl is the best I could do to describe it. I wanted to order more, even get some dessert but I was too stuffed to do so, which leads me to the conclusion that the Greeks serve with heft.

A look at their comprehensive menu will also tell you there's a plate that will satisfy just about everybody who walks in: the meat lovers, the vegetarians and the dessert buffs.  

No matter what part of the food pyramid floats your boat, you'd be sure to get satisfaction guaranteed on their authentic take of these Mediterranean classics. This is hulk without necessarily gaining much bulk. 

If I were to make a favorite food pick, I'd definitely go for Greek. Not only do their key ingredients focus on the natural, they're meals also lean more on the healthy, assuring you of great gastronomic fulfillment without the risk factor.  You're safe, sure and satiated. What else could anyone ask for? Greeka Kouzina. Now that's one kitchen I'd more than surely go back to.

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