Sunday, January 19, 2014

Choose to Juice

My friend and I have the same doctor in Ongpin and though we don't always go there together, during some rare occasions, we manage to do so, and this particular weekend saw us squeezing our way through the crowded streets this famous shopping nook of an area is known for.

As I was waiting for her to complete her rundown of personal errands, I decided to do my own exploring of the place as well. In doing so, I came across this little health spot that made the tastiest natural juice drinks you could ever stream through your body.

I nearly missed Juice It Up as I was walking along the sidewalk because their signage was not as visible. But as I stepped into their little store, I immediately took notice of how spick and span it was on the inside, a huge contrast from the grimy and dusty stalls outside that were within it's perimeter. A huge board showcased the different mixes they blitzed for their juices and I was amazed at the funky combinations they had that they themselves guaranteed taste really good. 

Though a little unconvinced, I still opted to try one of their concoctions. After all, it was nutrients and heavy doses of vitamin C I was going to take in, so why not? I wanted to go for a combo with celery but they were out of the succulent leaf stalk, so I decided to go fruity and took on the carrot-apple-pear-mango combination instead. Was I glad I decided to give them a try.

I was wonderfully pleased at how refreshing and tasty my choice of combination was. The juice was thick and beautifully creamy. Though married together in one glass, I could still single out each of the flavors, hence, realizing that each fruit contributes to the character of this superb smoothie: sweetness from the carrot and pear, and tanginess from both the mango and the orange. I was completely gratified. 

My friend took a different combination from mine. Hers was a merry mix of carrot, ginger and apple. As to how it tastes like, I'm not really sure. I couldn't imagine ginger being part of the whole equation but she says it works so I'll take her word for it. 

Each combination serves a purpose. Mine balances ones diet while hers helps in clearing ones mind if taken often. Well, whatever. It all boils down to one thing: these blends taste really good and are definitely good for you. They come in three sizes. It being my first time, I got the smallest while my friend went for the largest. It was an experience I'd gladly take on again.

It doesn't cost that much to go the healthy route. These juices are great substitutes
for the unsafe repercussions that come with too much soda, coffee and other bottled
artificially-flavored juice drinks high in sugar. With Juice It Up, I know I'm safe. And though these combos may mean a host of different things, to me, it only says one thing: healthy. Cheers to that!

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